Casa De Campo
01245 207 592 Acting as an agent for Alfendo Ltd T/A JTA Travel
Take a walk through time along Istanbul's commanding Divan Yolu , referred to as the 'Road to the Imperial Council' during Ottoman times and known as Mese Street during the Byzantine period. The Divan's main boulevard reaches from the city centre on Seraglio Point, like an outstretched arm to the Porta Auera, or 'The Golden Gate' to meet Via Ignatia; the road to Rome. Our tour begins beneath the tall marble shaft called the Million that towers overhead at the point where Divan Yolu begins. Wander past marvelous Ottoman sultans' Mausoleums, intricate sacred Mosques, and numerous other important sights and landmarks including medreses schools, Roman forums, Çemberlitas (the Burnt Column) and other Byzantine monuments, and the remains of the Theodosian Triumphal Arch; all to be found in a single daily stroll along this road laced with history. Finally we delve into the unknown depths of the famous Grand Bazaar, to hunt through 4,000 curious shops scattered throughout 64 narrow, meandering streets with 22 gates in what the Turkish call Kapal?çar??. Trawl the multitude of merchants selling quality handmade leather goods, delectable sweets, tasty dried fruit and pungent spices. Be tempted by delicate jewellery, glittering glassware, lovingly crafted pottery, hand-woven fabrics, belly dancing costumes and many exciting souvenirs. Watch as gold is melted before you over an open fire, in centuries-old fashion, at a hidden workshop. See expert craftsmen fix degrees onto carats and artisans engraving silver. Despite your complete disorientation, you will finally exit the Grand Bazaar - but we guarantee you will not be empty-handed! Languages English Redeem informationVoucher type: Printed and e-VoucherPrinted voucher or E-voucher. Print and bring the voucher or show the voucher on your mobile device to enjoy the activity.LocationStart point: Hotel pickupEnd point: Same as the starting pointScheduleOpening dates08:00 - 17:00Duration: 9 HoursGuide optionsGuide type: GuideGroup type: SharedGroup size: 15 People
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01245 207 592