Casa De Campo
01245 207 592 Acting as an agent for Alfendo Ltd T/A JTA Travel
If you have marvelled at the exquisite natural splendour of Claude Monet’s Impressionistic portrayals of Giverny, then you will be captivated by the city itself on the Giverny - Claude Monet's House and Musée des Impressionisme by minibus tour. If you have marvelled at the exquisite natural splendour of Claude Monet’s Impressionistic portrayals of Giverny, then you will be captivated by the city itself on the Giverny - Claude Monet's House and Musée des Impressionisme by minibus tour.It was in April 1883, looking out of a train window, that Claude Monet discovered the quiet little town of Giverny. He promptly set up residence with his two children, planted a large garden and settled down to paint for the rest of his life. Your guide takes you on a wander past the lily pond and its famous Japanese bridge, detailing the areas that were the focus of approximately 250 oil paintings by Monet, called the Water Lilies. As you traverse the garden that was Monet’s main source of inspiration at the end of his life, learn about Claude’s influence in starting Impressionism and his work producing series paintings. Then take the opportunity to visit Monet’s house and the former studio, which have been recreated to as he utilised them. Lastly before being returned to Paris, enjoy a guided visit of the new “Musée des Impressionnismes Giverny”, the museum dedicated to Impressionist art, and a place where art and nature become one. This impressive structure has been specifically designed to reflect the ability of art to interact with and compliment nature, and is dedicated not only to commemorating Impressionism, but ensuring its continuation in the Giverny art colony and along the valley of the Seine River. Redeem informationVoucher type: Not neededVoucherless. You don’t need to bring any voucher (digital or printed)!LocationStart point: Hotel Pullman Paris Tour EiffelEnd point: Same as the starting pointScheduleDuration: 5 HoursGuide optionsGuide type: Guide
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01245 207 592