Casa De Campo
01245 207 592 Acting as an agent for Alfendo Ltd T/A JTA Travel
Discover the more luxurious side of Istanbul with this visit to the magnificent Dolmabahce Palace, one of the city’s most popular touristic destinations – which is no small feat in an area absolutely cluttered with historical monuments and breath-taking constructions. Begin your tour hopping aboard our comfortable bus that while drive you straight to the entrance of the Dolmabahce Palace. Along the way, enjoy the exotic views of one of the most beautiful cities in both Europe and the Middle East and admire how both Western and Eastern elements mix and mingle in one of the richest multicultural environments in the world. As you approach the building, you can almost feel the sheer outrageous value of the building’s contents emanating from the walls. The Dolmabahce Palace was, in times of old, the very last place of residence of the world-renowned Ottoman Sultans. Inside the palace, you can get an idea of the astronomical extent of these rulers’ richness. The palace contains no less than 365 rooms – one for every day of the year! – and 22 sensational saloons, especially famous for their collections of European art and antiquity. Top the tour off with a drive over the Bosphorus Bridge, jumping from a Westernized entourage to a more Middle Eastern one. As the bus ascends Camlica Hill, you are taken to the best vantage point of Istanbul, where you can take some beautiful photographs to take home a memory of this incredible city with you. Redeem informationVoucher type: E-VoucherE-voucher. Show the voucher on your mobile device to enjoy the activity.LocationStart point: Hotel pickupEnd point: Same as the starting pointScheduleOpening dates13:00 - 17:00Duration: 4 HoursGuide optionsGuide type: Guide
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01245 207 592