Casa De Campo
01245 207 592 Acting as an agent for Alfendo Ltd T/A JTA Travel
Discover why Buenos Aires is affectionately known as the ‘Paris of South America’ with this private tour of Argentina’s elegant capital. Discover why Buenos Aires is affectionately known as the ‘Paris of South America’ with this private tour of Argentina’s elegant capital.Highlights- Discover the iconic landmarks of the bustling city of Buenos Aires - Drive down the famous Avenida 9 de Julio and admire the giant Obelisk - Gaze at the magnificent Metropolitan Cathedral at Plaza de Mayo Enjoy the freedom of the city’s abundant parklands and boulevards, exploring the centre and discovering some of the traditional neighbourhoods and as well as the most significant landmarks. The tour starts with a drive down Avenida 9 de Julio, one of the widest boulevards in the world, passing the famous Obelisk that commemorates the fourth centenary of the city’s foundation. Stop at the Plaza de Mayo to visit the Casa Rosada, as the presidential palace is popularly known, and the magnificent Metropolitan Cathedral with its impressive neo-classical façade and mausoleum of national hero General San Martin. See also the Cabildo museum, located in the former headquarters of the Spanish colonial administration. Next it’s on to the colourful district of La Boca, where the first Italian immigrants settled in 1851. The neighbourhood is a major attraction because of its vibrant street life and the brightly painted homes of Caminito, the area’s main artery. Continue to the remarkable Recoleta Cemetery, considered one of the world’s most beautiful graveyards and which is the final resting place of many of Argentina’s great and good (as well as some villains) including famous patriots, several presidents, Nobel laureates and Evita. The tour ends with a drive around the chic Recoleta quarter with its exclusive boutiques and restaurants, before returning to your hotel. Redeem informationVoucher type: E-VoucherE-voucher. Show the voucher on your mobile device to enjoy the activity.LocationStart point: Please call 24 hours in advance to confirm the pick-up time and location.End point: Same as the starting pointScheduleDuration: 5 HoursGuide optionsGuide type: GuideRequirementsPlease wear clothing that conceals the shoulders, legs and arms when visiting religious sites.
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01245 207 592